We are now a halfway went to make sure blog posting schema is on your website.
Now search also for the below code.
<article class=’post entry’ expr:id=’data:post.id’>
You will have to change the above code to customize it to look like the below one.
That’s all with the blog Posting schema.org structured markup.
6. Person Blogger Schema Markup.
Person schema tells more about the writer of the post or the one who owns the blogger blog as the author. The person schema markup the is the best to help get the local business schema working in search results. Let’s see how to add the Person schema markup in blogger.
Search for the below code.
<div class=’author-profile’ itemprop=’author’ >
Now you will change the code to reflect the one shown below. Change it.
7. WP Sidebar Blogger Schema Markup.
the wp sidebar helps the search engines navigate to your sidebar and know the schema markup used in the exercise. Let’s see how to add the wp sidebar shema.org schema markup.
Search for the below code in your template code.
<div id=’sidebar-wrapper’
Now I’ll change the above code to the one shown below.